Media. Video with following exercises

1.Watch the video and answer the multiple choice questions.
1)    What way of getting news was mentioned more often than the others?
a)                    Newspapers
b)                    Television
c)                     Radio
d)                    Internet
2)    What kind of news John, the doctor, is interested in?
a)                    Health stories
b)                    Sport
c)                     New technology
d)                    Popular culture news
3)    What people used to rely on more in era of modern technologies?
a)                    Twitter
b)                    TV
c)                     Facebook
d)                    Radio
4)    What newspaper was mention in the video?
a)                    The Times
b)                    The Independent
c)                     The Guardians
d)                    The Economist
2.     Read the sentences below and underline the correct answer according to recording from 1:27-1:41 and 2:48-3:45
1)                      I like all sorts of news stories, about what’s 1happening/going on and 2particularly/especially about new  3technology/discoveries, but I also like 4some/a bit of trashy news – I like a bit of  5glitterati/celebrity gossip, just to break up the day.
2)                      I think in general yes, but 6there are occasions/sometimes I think it’s 7careless/irresponsible. I think, for example when they hound 8celebrities/ beautiful people, for example, I don’t think that’s very responsible news. I don’t even think it’s very good news.
In my area – I’m especially interested in the area of health – 9frequently/often you get these health stories about 10immunization/vaccination or about some latest 11panic/scare about cancer and this causes 12a great deal of anxiety/a lot of fear, and yet when you go down to the real truth it’s often based on very 13weak/flimsy foundations. So, I think the media do have a, a 14duty/an obligation to use their power responsibly.

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